Lovoy at IMPA’s Annual Congress

The International Maritime Pilots’ Association represents more than 8000 licensed pilots.

Lovoy at IMPA’s Annual Congress

Lovoy at IMPA’s Annual Congress

IMPA’s 26th Congress was held in Rotterdam on April 23rd, 2024. IMPA brings together pilots' associations from around the world to share concerns and experiences. In addition to pilot speakers from 14 IMPA member countries, the congress had speakers and participants from the maritime industry. This included Lovoy, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Intertanko, Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), International Harbour Masters Association (IHMA), University of Southampton, Keil Centre, and intergovernmental organizations (IMO, IHO, MAIIF).


Operational safety was a vital part. A relevant topic was, therefore, how to write procedures and management systems to meet each country’s regulations for pilot operations. National regulations may refer to different standards, but all try to achieve the same safety objectives. Regardless of the chosen standard, it is essential to ensure the text is user-friendly enough to meet its objectives.


IMPA invited Lovoy to share experiences from making maritime management systems more user-friendly. The article “The Language of Human-Centered Safety” captures essential parts of Terje Lovoy’s presentation. It explores common assumptions about writing regulatory-compliant text. The article shares real root causes for why SMSs often become overly complicated. It is relevant for anyone involved in writing any kind of text to meet regulations and improve safety.


The article discusses these questions:

  • Why do we make procedures unnecessarily complicated?
  • How to make procedures user-friendly?
  • Who should write your procedures?

The article and presentation will be published on IMPA’s internal member’s site. We will also share the article on LinkedIn.
A PDF version is also available.